My weekend

I spent Saturday inside all day…not even sticking my hand out to get the mail. I was 100% lazy. I did a few loads of laundry, but that was the only productive thing I did all day. …and that’s just how I wanted it. I needed a lazy bummer day. Sunday, I woke up at […]

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October 21, 2002

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This morning’s dream

I had a dream this morning that I was walking in the Quincy Market area with Rebecca and Shawn (LadyFae and b00ga). It had just rained and the bricks were a little wet. Lots of people walking around, as usual. As we came upon one group of people, they started applauding someone. I thought it […]

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October 5, 2002

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Livin’ in the fridge

Every Friday at 10am we get this e-mail: We will be cleaning all the refrigerators today at 2:00. Please label or remove any items you do not want thrown away. We will check dates on things like yogurt and salad dressing and will keep if the dates are good. It is always safest for you […]

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July 19, 2002

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Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and everything in between

I went up to Maine this past weekend. Apparently nobody knew I was going since they were all surprised to see me. I guess nobody listened when I said I was going to go back on Friday or Saturday. I had a phone interview with yesterday. It wasn’t really an “interview” though since I’ve […]

Read More Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and everything in between
March 12, 2002

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Another late update

Jody, Michi, Nikki, and Matt came over on Wednesday to celebrate my birthday. That was fun. We watched MST3K, Invader Zim, Dragon Half, and some other stuff, played “Kill Dr. Lucky”, had cake, and stuff like that. Michi made a great cake…and I’ve still got 1/3rd of it left over. Jody made me a shirt […]

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March 7, 2002

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Got an interview on Thursday afternoon. Woo! đŸ™‚ It’s about 45 minutes away and that commute would be a pain, but if they’ll pay me a decent salary then I won’t complain. Had our first real Anime Boston staff meeting on Saturday. Was nice to meet everyone. We didn’t accomplish much, but that wasn’t really […]

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February 25, 2002

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My calendar has no February 14th.

Not any new entries here for a while since nothing has really been going on. Still looking for a job and still messing with my new anime music video. My Survivor video is in the finals on the contest at Voting ends today (after just 4 days!) so go gimme some support! đŸ™‚ (Yeah, you […]

Read More My calendar has no February 14th.
February 15, 2002

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