Viva La Manatee – Lizzu, Love Forever

Lizz & PatrickD with Takumi Yamazaki

This morning, one of my best friends of nearly 20 years died.  Fuck cancer. Elizabeth Bramlett Donnell, “Lizz” to most people, is one of the most kind, understanding, considerate, giving, creative, and fun people I’ve ever known.  I honestly can’t imagine how my life would have turned out had it not been for her. One […]

Read More Viva La Manatee – Lizzu, Love Forever
December 14, 2015

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Anime Boston 2004: The Web Site

I’m still trying to finish up the new online registration system for Anime Boston 2004. When it’s done, it’s gonna be seriously sweet…but to keep from going completely insane (hours and hours of Perl coding can do that to a person), I’ve been messing around with some pages. The AMV rules and some of the […]

Read More Anime Boston 2004: The Web Site
June 2, 2003

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Anime Boston and the last two weeks

I was holding off on doing another blog entry since I figured I should do a nice, big Anime Boston report. …but I really have no idea where to start. The week surrounding the convention was a whirlwind of activity and there’s just so much to write about that it seems overwhelming…so I put it […]

Read More Anime Boston and the last two weeks
May 2, 2003

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I was cleaning up a corner of my living room and I found FreakBoss’s business card. Oh, the memories…the horrible, horrible memories! In other news, Anime Boston is up to 9 AMV entries. Some are pretty good. Others are “I’m gonna go check my e-mail while this plays” bad. Deadline is Feb 15th “in our […]

Read More FreakBoss!
February 5, 2003

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Anything but wood or fiberglass panels

MegaZone has resigned from Anime Boston and AX staff. I’m going to take over the Anime Boston panel application process and scheduling in his absence (because at this point it’s too late to find anyone new to step in and do it.) He sent me all the panel request forms that had been submitted up […]

Read More Anything but wood or fiberglass panels
January 22, 2003

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Monster v10.0 (or so…)

A new design for Monster launches tomorrow. Coding for it has occupied most of my time this week. …and as a representative of the company, I’d like to apologize for it sucking. I can’t imagine they’ll keep this design for more than 6 months before they get sick of it and realize it’s just not […]

Read More Monster v10.0 (or so…)
January 17, 2003

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