
Got an interview on Thursday afternoon. Woo! đŸ™‚ It’s about 45 minutes away and that commute would be a pain, but if they’ll pay me a decent salary then I won’t complain. Had our first real Anime Boston staff meeting on Saturday. Was nice to meet everyone. We didn’t accomplish much, but that wasn’t really […]

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February 25, 2002

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Starting at the end?

So that guy called be back and wants to have me in for an interview next week. (Woo hoo!) …but it was odd. Instead of first asking me about my background like most HR people who call me, he starts by asking if I have any questions about the company. I thought that was odd. […]

Read More Starting at the end?
February 22, 2002

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Jobs and stuff

I’ve noticed there seem to be a lot more openings posted on lately. It comes and goes in waves, but I haven’t seen this many potential jobs in my region/field in a long time. I just applied to a bunch a few minutes ago. I got a message on my machine earlier today about […]

Read More Jobs and stuff
February 22, 2002

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I’m getting used to this kind of e-mail… Thank you for the telephone interview for the Web Designer position with PUMA North America, Inc. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer you a position at this time as we have other candidates whose background and skills are a closer match to our current job requirements. We […]

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February 21, 2002

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My calendar has no February 14th.

Not any new entries here for a while since nothing has really been going on. Still looking for a job and still messing with my new anime music video. My Survivor video is in the finals on the contest at Voting ends today (after just 4 days!) so go gimme some support! đŸ™‚ (Yeah, you […]

Read More My calendar has no February 14th.
February 15, 2002

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Okay, this was uncalled for!

Fireye|Zzz: What’s pat’s website again? Fireye|Zzz|Maybe pokes db, what’s patricks website? Dragonbeas: Fireye: Hell if I know. Fireye|Zzz: *doh* Dragonbeas: Actually, I probably remember this. Dragonbeas: It’s a crappy site, and a crappy domain.. Dragonbeas: ah, yes. Fireye|Zzz: got it, n/m Dragonbeas: “adequate” Fireye|Zzz: Dragonbeas: *nod* Fireye|Zzz: Thanks Dragonbeas: np đŸ™‚ Dragonbeas: I don’t […]

Read More Okay, this was uncalled for!
February 8, 2002

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Cold hard credit

I just remembered I had to take my credit card out of the freezer tonight so it will (hopefully) be thawed out by the time I have to go get my oil changed tomorrow.

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February 8, 2002

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Black gold. Texas tea.

1997 Saturn SC2

My car’s quite overdue for an oil change. Actually, at this point it’s beyond changing. Just add more. I made an appointment to bring it to Saturn tomorrow afternoon. I want them to take a look at that hood rattle too. It did that a few years ago and they fixed it. Just a loose […]

Read More Black gold. Texas tea.
February 7, 2002

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