WhaT I dId ooN my EaStr WeEkenD…by PatrickD
On Saturday I headed out to Adam’s AMV party in Wormtown. It was a great crowd and a great time was had by all. …but I think I’d have screamed (louder) if I had seen yet another Eva video. Ugh.
On Sunday, I got invited to Easter dinner at Michi’s in NH. When we all arrived, we went on an Easter egg hunt around her yard. Poor Paige had trouble finding her eggs, but everyone else seemed to find them okay. Matt cooked up a great lamb. Yummy! We played a few games of Uno and Scrabble and ended the evening by watching hentai.
Oh, and Michi gave me a cute little stuffed bunny! So soft…
On a few past April Fools’ Days, I’ve replaced the photos of Ponch and Jon on CHiPs Online with potato chips. Since I didn’t get home until late last night, I didn’t bother this year. …but I did put up the Anime Boston guest list. 🙂
Today I put my Lost In Space and Survivor videos on a (crappy) VHS tape, burned them on a CD-ROM too, and mailed them to PortConMaine’s AMV contest. I’d say there’s a 75% chance I’ll be at PortConMaine, so I figured I’d might as well send AMVs. (I only send AMVs to conventions I attend.)
I talked to Mia today too. She said she’s meeting with one of Monster’s HR people tomorrow. She’s gotta talk them into letting them make an exception to their current “no hiring” policy.