Not one of my favorite days…

I went down to Plainville today to talk with FreakBoss. He told me about another site that he wanted me to work on, but apparently the client (a concrete company) hadn’t actually requested it yet…so after I do a concept design, they may decide they don’t want it, so no money. A second site he wanted me to work on was for his own business…another request for a freebie site. Um…no. I’m already doing a free site for his police department (because I’m a wuss and didn’t say “NO! Take off, loser! No freebies!”) and now he has the balls to ask for a SECOND free site. Well, it’s not happening unless he decides to pay. I have other things I’d rather be doing than his crap.

Like usual, he was busy chatting on the phone and talking with people so the “meeting” (if it could even be considered that) dragged on and on. By the time lunchtime rolled around, I was hungry and figured I’d go and put up with him a little longer so I could get a free meal. I wish I hadn’t. He kept talking about how he could give me a list of customers (probably the Plainville phone book) and call them to talk them into web sites. That doesn’t sound appealing to me. I hate phones. I hate sales. I hate phone sales. I quietly ate my sub while he droned on and on about doing web sites for every branch of the Plainville town government.

After we left, he decided to swing by the Water & Sewer Department to meet with a friend there and try to talk him into a web site. Soon after we got there, another one of his pals came in and they all talked for about 20 minutes. After a few minutes, I began to ignore everything that they said. I sat there wishing I was someplace more enjoyable…like the emergency room or a dentist’s office.

On the way back, he was laughing how the guy thought the web site would cost $5000…and that it was really going to be much cheaper. Now, I don’t know what FreakyBoss has been smoking, but $5000 is dirt cheap for a web site…at least like one they were talking about (25 pages of info, online bill paying, etc.) Sure, I may get paid for working on that site, but I bet I get just a drop of that already low price.

I’ve really got to find a better source of income fast. Whenever FreakyBoss talks about getting enough work to support me full time, it really scares me and I want to run away screaming.

After I finally escaped at 2:30pm (it seemed like much longer), I called Kathy and Joe and told them I was in the neighborhood. I headed over to their place in Attleboro and visited with them for a while.
We went out to dinner at the Longhorn Steakhouse. The waitress there was really cute and sat down next to me while we ordered. I noticed she didn’t do that at anyone else’s table. Hmmm…

The meal was great and it was good to see Kathy and Joe again. They’ll be headed to Hong Kong for about a month at the end of the week. (Joe comes back a week earlier.) They have to be at Logan at 4am on Saturday morning. I offered to drive them and keep their car in my garage while they’re gone. They’ll come over on Friday night and we’ll stay up all night watching movies and stuff. It should be fun…and it’s not that unusual for me to be up until the wee hours of the morning anyway.

…and they know about my blog now and are probably reading this. Hi guys! Don’t forget to pay that bill before you leave!

Anyway, now I’m gonna go plant myself in front of the TV and hope it rots away the sections of my brain that have anything to do with FreakyBoss.

November 5, 2001

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