Jobs and stuff

I’ve noticed there seem to be a lot more openings posted on lately. It comes and goes in waves, but I haven’t seen this many potential jobs in my region/field in a long time. I just applied to a bunch a few minutes ago.

I got a message on my machine earlier today about a job I applied for a couple days ago. I went to look at the description on Monster again, but they took it down. Bastards! Well, since it was up for less than two days, I hope that means I’m not competing against many other people. The guy seemed really anxious to talk to me too…and he also sent an e-mail asking me to call him back. (I left him voice mail. I’ll call back if he hasn’t called by mid-afternoon.) I just wish the job description was still online so I could know exactly what they’re looking for and put emphasis on my skills that fit that.

It was nice and warm outside today. I went out and about for a while. Tomorrow I’ll need to go get more stuff we’ll need to finish the Renamon costume…like a zipper.

Our first meeting with the Anime Boston staff is on Saturday. Prior to this, it has only been board members and/or senior staff. It’ll be nice to meet everyone. I hope they’ll all feel motivated to help. At least we’re ahead of schedule (or so it seems). Most stuff will actually wait until we hit the one year mark anyway…especially promotion efforts.

February 22, 2002

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