"The new Ginsu 2000! It slices! It dices! 1001 uses! Only 3 easy payments of $19.95."
Bill Gates never knew what hit him.
-Tim L.
So, are you ready for your haircut?
-Nachos Kahura
"Blazing sword? Yeah, I got your blazing sword right here, Mr. Lionmeister!"
"Now what was that you said about my mother?"
-Basil Christopher
Hey mister, I understand you have some hedges to be trimmed?
-Akira Dev
It's a letter opener. I made it in shop class...
-Doc Evil
Look Ma! The diving rod really works!
... and so we see why the princess always had "sword" envy.
"Come on. Come on. That's moxxy!"
-Sailor Arus
okay now this kind of surgery takes a steady hand
Eeee-yup! Got this from my ol' buddy, Crocodile Dundee...
I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay...
-Dusty R.
So, do ya like'em sliced or diced?
-Space Cowboy
Never one to watch his cholesterol, Voltron loved to form the "blazing butter knife".
"Wow! I should ask Santa for weapons more often! This is my best Christmas gift EVER!"
My opponent better not be like Darth Maul and have a double-ended Blazing Sword...
My name is Enigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!
-PrincessBride's Father-in-Law
Either he's really pissed off, or else he's happy to see me.
That's not a knife! This is a knife!