Mice enjoy riding 'Bumper People' at the amusment park.
-F. P. Muckley
I used to enjoy having a mouse, but now it seems like everyone has one.
-Frank Muckley
"I said we should get a cat. 'We don't need a cat', you said. Now look what happened!
-F. P. Muckley
Italian Greyhounds are becoming a popular breed. See, I told you, they don't look ANYTHING like rats.
-Jess Barron
just like in Zelda64,except instead of everyone having fairies everyone has mice
you set off the cheese spray too?
this is the result of the crew forgetting to set the mouse traps
-Tom Servo
Its rodent night at Voltron HQ. 2-for-1 cheese shots until 11.
-Akira Dev
I know it's just because of the Q-tip shortage, but these earwax-eating mice are creeping me out.
-King Kong Bundy
See what happens when somebody cuts the cheese...
-A. McGinnis
Hey you got a furby too?
-King Kong
Hey,that mice looks awfully familiar.
Check this out! We all got mouse badges!
-Jay Walker
Yes...But does your mouse recite Shakespeare??
Did you hear a "Narf!"?
-Doc Evil
My mouse is bigger than your mouse
-Damien S
Hey Keith, there's something brown on your shoulder...
-Dusty R.
Since they started serving CheezWhiz at Voltron HQ...
-Space Cowboy
For once, both Voltron teams failed in their missions. They had to resort to calling in Terminix to eliminate the mice.
I've heard of a chip on my shoulder but this is ridiculous!
-Mouse Catcher
I prefer hamsters, myself.
Two great anime-mecha heros from the 80's finally meet...now if only Amuro Ray, Rick Hunter, and Derek Wildstar were there as well; it'd be a perfect set!
What do you mean you can't get rid of these mice? You're a Voltron Lion pilot aren't you?
-Onyx Sphinx
We wanted parrots but we got Mice instead.
Hey, look at that mousey blonde over there!
Keith: "I thought the shampoo was supposed to clear up this condition?" Jeff:" Keith that was for LICE, not MICE!"
Well, I can see what we`ll be eating tonight!
-Curtis Bernard