Voltron Explorer
Episode Guide
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Galaxy Garrison gives orders to the Voltron Force

Hawkins commands the Voltron vehicle teams

Keith and Jeff - Leaders of the Voltrons

The Voltron I Air Team
Chip, Rocky, Jeff, Ginger, and Walo

The Voltron I Sea Team
Lisa, Shannon, Cric, Zandee, and Tagor

The Voltron I Land Team
Murdoch, Cinda, Cliff, Hutch, and Marvin

Jeff...commanding his Voltron


Jeff...ordering up a blazing sword

Ginger and Princess Allura's mice

Chip and his brother Pidge - The left arms of the Voltron Force

Cliff - Aussie Leader of the Land Team

Rocky...the Hunk of the vehicle team

Keith and Jeff discussing some blazing sword strategy

The evil leaders of the Voltrons' universe...together!
Prince Lotor and the Druel leader

The Voltron teams patting each other on the back
Why is Keith out of uniform?

The Voltron vehicle team taking orders from Hawkins
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