Watch out for those deadly party balloons!

I managed to get out of Painville in just an hour. That was a relief. It wasn’t too bad today…and I probably won’t have to go back there for a while. Woo hoo! He liked the lame logo I made him, but didn’t care for the web site design. I don’t blame him. I thought it sucked too, but I really had no good design ideas in my head last night. I think I know what I want to do with it now though.

I just saw an ad for Fox25 News At Ten:
“Balloons: Why are they so deadly?”
I swear, I couldn’t make up such a stupid title.

Chatted with Lizz on IRC last night. Hopefully things work out with the kids she’s teaching and she’s not so hellishly busy after Thanksgiving. At least she’ll have a few days off for the holiday.

I’m probably going to head up to Maine on Wednesday morning. We’ll see. Knowing me, I probably won’t want to crawl out of bed until Noon.

I put weather stripping on the back door after I got back. That should keep the cold air out better. I’ve got more weather stripping for some of the windows, but since it’s actually not too cold outside today, I’m not sure if any are drafty enough to need it. I’ll put the storm window on the front door later. I think there’s a window for the back porch too. I’ll have to look.

I’m gonna go watch some TV and have a couple ham sandwiches now.

November 19, 2001

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