Pepsi: The Choice of a Greedy Generation

Monster is a Coca-Cola lovin’ company. Our soda fountain machine dispenses Coke products, there’s occasionally Vanilla Coke cans or bottles in the food vending machine (we don’t have a soda vending machine), and they always buy bottles of Coke products whenever they order lunch for meetings. (Although lately they’ve been getting cans instead.)
Today…not a Coke product in sight. Pepsi EVERYWHERE! Apparently some big-wigs from PepsiCo were visiting and so they went overboard placing Pepsi products around the office. There were bottles of Pepsi and Diet Pepsi around on tables and desks. Some were intentionally left opened and half empty to make it look like people were enjoying them. Lots of (empty) Pepsi cups too. (Although, to me, the placement of the empty cups made it look like litter.)
They even covered the soda fountain with a giant trash bag and stuck “Out of Order” on it…but I’m sure it still worked perfectly.
In the big lunch room, there’s a giant sculpture of Technopillar, one of the ugly monsters. In one hand he had a Pepsi Twist. In the other, a cup. Okay…that’s a bit much. …but it was NOTHING compared to what they did in the main lobby. Right near the reception desk is a 10′ tall Trumpasaurus sculpture. Today he was holding a giant Pepsi table umbrella and several bottles of Pepsi.
I think they went a bit overboard. Some liberal distribution of Pepsi products would have been fine…”kind of like wearing a low-cut blouse” as a co-worker said.
To which I responded, “Yeah, but that table umbrella and all the obviously planted Pepsi bottles? That’s like going TOPLESS!”
When we went out for lunch, we all ordered Cokes. 🙂
When we got back to the office, I went down to the newsstand and bought a bottle of Cherry Coke. I wandered around with that for the rest of the day…hoping to bump into PepsiCo people.