MST3K Convention Report – Day 4
No MST3K stuff today. Everything closed down at 11am and people headed home.
As for me, I met my cousin Jim, in the lobby of the Hilton and went with him for the afternoon. He’s a graduate student at the University of Minnesota. After eating at Key’s, I got the full tour of the animal clinic and his lab. I also met some of his friends.
Before long, we had to leave for the airport to catch my 4pm flight to Chicago on United. After waiting in line for 15 minutes, I found out it was cancelled because of “mechanical difficulties”. I was transferred to a 6:30 non-stop flight back to Boston on Northwest.
Jim and I hung out at a restaurant/bar for an hour or so. Then I headed out to the gate with him and we said goodbye. I’ll see him again around Christmas.
It wasn’t long before I had to board the plane. My seat sucked and the flight was full…but I won’t go into details. I’ll just say that United was much better. (I think the seats were wider too.)
I made it back to Boston at around 10:30pm to be greeted by rain in the tail end of the hurricane. I took the T and the bus home and went to bed…I had to work the next day. Ick!