Stuff I can’t talk about

Anime Boston meeting at 4pm today. I think attendance will be VERY low since a lot of people said they can’t make it for one reason or another. Kind of a shame. Oh well…we keep plugging along. We’ve got four more guests saying they’re coming and we’ll announce them after we get their contracts. It should raise an eyebrow or two…and maybe even get a “Woah, cool!” or “Holy crap!” out of some people. As far as I can tell, a couple of them have never been to an anime con before. (Sorry, they’re not Japanese.)

My parents are coming tomorrow morning to deliver my grandmother’s dishwasher…so I had to do my dishes tonight. Oh, the irony! (I didn’t want my mother to think I was a slob and see the dishes that had piled up.) I’ll pick up the living room in the morning. (I’ve got DVD and PS2 game cases, VHS tapes, and bits of craft foam littering the carpet.)

October 19, 2002

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