Yes, I’m still alive

Okay, it’s been a while since I’ve had the time or motivation to update this blog.
Anyway, if you want to see Port Con Maine pics (which is where I left off with my last real entry), you can find them at The Chibi Project under “Events”. I’ll be putting my Anime North pictures up there soon too.
Anime North was fun, but not really for the con itself. It was fun since I got to run around dressed as Renamon all weekend. Wheee!
On Friday, Jody and I happened to walk past the line for the AMV contest. It was far too long and we weren’t going to go in. We went to the head of the line to ask if there was another showing (since I could return without the costume), but before I knew it, they were herding us into the room to sit in reserved space with the other AMV creators. So I sat through all the Novice entries and didn’t see my video. I could have sworn I had entered as Novice since my videos had never won anything before. (Hell, Anime North is only the third con I’ve ever submitted to. I was a finalist at the first two, but no awards.) Anyway, I began to wonder if they never got it after I didn’t see it in the higher level categories either. Then they started showing the winners. When they got to “Most Artistic”, I definitely didn’t expect to see my Survivor video show up. I figured, if anything, it would be technical with all that editing to re-create the CBS Survivor opening. …but that was cool. I walked away damn happy. 🙂 I wonder if they’ll send me a prize or if the “award” is only being declared a winner. Dunno.
We decided that we wanted to enter the masquerade so that we’d hopefully get Jody a workmanship award after all the time and effort she put into the Renamon costume. We came up with an admittedly lame skit where Michi would go on as Cherry, Rika would enter and say “Your voice is stupid!”, Renamon would enter, Cherry would call Digiko to her rescue, and Renamon and Digiko would fight.
After getting our workmanship judged and waiting around for HOURS, we finally went on stage. I mis-counted the steps and stumbled as I went on. The crowd seemed to like it though…and apparently the judges did too since we won a workmanship award AND a presentation award! Sweet!
On Sunday, “Pan-Chan” from saw my video camera and asked if I could help her out by videotaping an interview she had scheduled with Scott McNeil. Not wanting to turn down exclusive Scott McNeil footage, I gladly accepted. (He actually remembered me from Boston. Cool!) Scott even got to examine Chibi Moon and offer test suggestions.
…and other stuff happened at the con too. I had a good time, but it was because of my friends…not the con. I doubt I’ll go back. Next year it’s shortly after Anime Boston and if I have to choose between the two, I’m obviously choosing Anime Boston.
Anyway, work has been going okay. I don’t feel like I’m accomplishing much, but (for the most part) people seem to be happy with stuff I’m doing. I guess that’s good then.
I’m going to lunch now. Maybe more later…