The Tom Servo Fan Club
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At 3 pm on Saturday, August 31st, I was bussed with about 30 other MSTies to Golden Triangle Drive in Eden Praire, MN. After disembarking the school bus, we were all greeted with the sign for the Best Brains, Inc offices and studio. Woo hoo!
While waiting for the tour ahead of us to clear the area, we anxiously entered the studios. We were immediately greeted with familiar objects from various shows. Most notable was the interocetor from MST3K: The Movie [right].
Right near the entrance, you'll see the editing room [below] with a giant Mothra head on the wall.
On nearby walls, there were nicely done drawings sent in by fans across the globe. One which caught most people's eye was this framed drawing [below] of how to assemble Tom Servo and Tom Servo holding a picture of Kevin Murphy.
Leading to the studio, there were about two dozen different news articles about MST3K in their own frames. It makes you truly realize that people love the show...and that someone at Comedy Central was probably fired for making the decision (or fried while making the decision.)
Copyright © 1996-1997, The Tom Servo Fan Club
All images (other than the one as the title of this page) are copyright ©1996 by Patrick Delahanty and may not be used without written permission. (I took them myself. If I catch you using them, I'll be pissed.