The Tom Servo Fan Club
The Tom Servo Fan Club's Best Brains, Inc. Studio Tour from the...
Mystery Science Theater 3000 ConventioCon ExpoFest-A-Rama 2: Electric Bugaloo
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The Tom Servo Fan Club

Finally...the highlight of the tour...the studio!
[Image of Kitchen Area] The studio is probably smaller than you imagine it. The Satellite of Love set is on the north side of the room and Deep 13 was on the south side. (If you're standing on the Satellite of Love, you're looking right at Deep 13...and vice versa.) To the right of the Satellite of Love, there's a kitchen area with two restaurant booths in the back. This area is seen in the MST3K Infomercial in which Mike, Kevin, and Trace try to sell the MST3K Poopie and Scrapbook tapes. On the ceiling is the very familiar MST3K moon.

[Image of the Bots]
Gypsy, Crow, and Tom Servo were positioned in front of the Satellite of Love...just behind some ropes to prevent touching. (I hear Crow hates that.)
The Satellite set is raised about 3 feet off the floor. One of the doors to the theater was open and you could see a green wall and a mattress behind it. (I'm not really sure what the mattress is for...apparently it's where Paul sleeps.) Here are some pictures I took of the SOL set...

[Image of the SOL Set] [Image of the SOL's Side] [Image of Under the SOL's Set] [Another Image of the SOL Set] [Image of Me with the Bots]

Move into Deep 13...

Copyright © 1996-1997, The Tom Servo Fan Club
All images (other than the one as the title of this page) are copyright ©1996 by Patrick Delahanty and may not be used without written permission. (I took them myself. If I catch you using them, I'll be pissed.