From October 31 to November 3, 1996, The Tom Servo Fan Club was one of the most popular parts of the Sci-Fi Channel's SCIFI.CON online convention. The TSFC held its first Trivia Challenge. Below are the questions and correct answers to the quiz.
Section 1: "Hello, my name is..."
1) What is Dr. Forrester's first name? 
Clayton Forrester is his name. Evil is his game.
2) What is Mrs. Forrester's first name? 
Now a major character in the 8th season, Pearl is seeking revenge for her son's death.
3) What is Crow's middle name? 
The "T" stands for The.
4) What is Crow's last name? 
His full name is Crow T. Robot
5) What is Dr. Erdhart's first name? 
The second and long-lost mad scientist from season one was Dr. Lawrence Erdhard...aka Larry.
6) What name do Frank and Dr. Forrester often call each other? 
Like every guy in a 50's movie, they called each other Steve.
7) What are the names of the mole people? 
Gerry & Sylvia were named in honor of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson of marionette fame.
8) What is Joel's real last name? 
The young comedian is Hodgson...Joel Hodgson.
9) What is Mike Nelson's middle initial? 
Nobody's asked what the J stands for. Some speculate "Jell-o".
10) What is Kevin Murphy's middle name? 
It's Wagner.
11) What is Trace Beaulieu's father's name? 
Appearing as the old Dr. Forrester in "Laserblast", Jack Beaulieu gets his name in the credits.
12) What is Paul Chaplin's real last name? wonder he changed it!
13) What was the name of the first Info Club Poobah? 
Although many did the job before her, Julie Walker was the first to use the title.
14) Who is the current Info Club Poobah? 
Barbara Tebben took over the daunting task soon after the second convention.
15) What is the name of the newest writer? 
Bill Corbett...who does the voice of Crow. Brad Keely is an editor for MST3K. Tim Lewis and John Fournier have nothing at all to do with MST3K.
16) What was the name of the character that introduced each episode of the Mystery Science Theater Hour? 
For each episode, Mike Nelson spent hours in makeup to become Jack Perkins.
17) Who hosted the show This is MST3K? 
The talkative half of Penn & Teller, Penn Jillette was the host. Let's leave it at that.
Section 2: Bots Bots Everywhere!
18) What color is Tom Servo? 
Modeled after a fire hydrant, Tom Servo's color is Red
19) Which of the following is one of Tom Servo's parts? 
You can find six black Tyco Turbo Trains around his patoot.
20) Which robot is female? 
She may not be anatomically correct, but Gypsy their gal.
21) Which robot is seen on camera the least? 
Although Gypsy isn't seen much, Cambot gets the least amount of glory.
22) Which robot has a soap dish as a part? 
Believe it or not, that's a soapdish around Crow's eyes.
23) How many "buttons" are on Tom Servo's chest? 
There are 8.
24) Which robot is color blind? 
Tom Servo can only see red.
25) What was the name of the robot Servo replaced? 
The pilot episode of MST3K on KTMA featured a 'bot named "Beeper".
26) What is the name of the evil Crow? 
"Timmy" was last seen terrorizing TV's Frank in Deep 13.
27) Which robot prefers Macintosh? 
Tom Servo perfers the elegance and intutive nature of his Mac.
28) How many different voices has Tom Servo had? 
Ok...this question was the cause of some controversy. In early KTMA episodes, Josh Weinstein gave Servo a whiny voice. Later, it became a deeper voice which ended up being used in the first season. In the second season, Kevin Murphy breathed life into the 'bot for the voice we know and love today. That's 3.
29) Which robot appeared on Talk Soup twice? 
Crow had to deal with Senior Sock and even got to host an intro segment!
Section 3: They're such characters...
30) Which character spent the least amount of time in Deep 13? 
At the time of the quiz, Mrs. Forrester had only been in 7 episodes of MST3K. Less than any other major character. In season eight, she has surpassed that, but since she is not in Deep 13 in anymore, they don't count towards this answer.
31) Who built the robots? 
"Now keep in mind Joel can't control where the movies begin or end...because he used those special parts to make his robot friends."
32) Who sits on the left in the theater? 
Crow gets it most of the time.
33) Where did Joel Robinson work? 
He worked at Gizmonic Institute...just another guy in a red jumpsuit.
34) What was Crow's first script to be made into a movie? 
Dr. Forrester and his mother worked with him to make Earth vs Soup into a movie.
35) What did Crow say was his e-mail address? 
Almost immediately after Crow said he was at [email protected], someone went and registered "". Sad.
36) How many times has Mike dressed in drag? (only counting on MST3K) 
This question also raised some controversy. We were actually only referring to the character "Mike Nelson"...not Michael J. Nelson, the actor/writer/former TGI Friday's employee. As of the quiz back in November of '96, he had done it 2 times. Once for self-hazing and once as Captain Janeway.
37) Who wants to decide who lives and who dies? 
Crow called dibs.
38) How many times has Crow been in Deep 13? 
Using the Umbilicus, he visited twice (including Turkey Day)...but he was also seen down there in the mirror universe for a total of Three times
39) What did Dr. Forrester submit to the Mad Scientist's Convention? 
He and Larry invented The Chalk Man
40) Who is Enoch? 
Fans of the first season may recognize him as not just A demon dog...but their leader.
Section 4: I saw it in a movie once...
41) What movie was the subject of Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie? 
The 1950's classic This Island Earth
42) What episode introduced us to Torgo? 
Only a fertilizer salesman could come up with Manos: The Hands of Fate.
43) The first MST3K episode ever created was... 
Although it never aired and wasn't two hours long, the first evidence of live in the theater is The Green Slime
44) The final new MST3K episode on Comedy Central was... 
Leonard Maltin gave Laserblast three stars...the same as MST3K: The Movie. Ouch!
45) What was originally called Marooned? 
The title credits were redone to rename the movie to Space Travellers.
46) Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank sat through part of... 
Joey the Lemur was sung by the good mads in Last of the Wild Horses.
47) In Tom's "Creepy Girl" song, what does the R stand for? 
"the gifts you give me every time you smile"
48) "By this time, my lungs were aching for air" is a reference to... 
Crow's signature line is originally from Sea Hunt.
49) "A planet where apes evolve from men?!" is a reference to... 
Planet of the Apes...which is also referenced heavily at the beginning of season eight.
50) "It stinks!" was a line from... 
As a movie, Pod People stinks.
51) "Hi keeba!" is a reference to... 
The first season episode Women of the Prehistoric Planet set the standard for shows to come.
52) "Chili peppers burn my gut" is a reference to... 
It's easy to miss, but it's actually a line in The Sidehackers.
53) What crime-fighting TV show has also has an episode 512 with "Mitchell" in the title? 
#512 "Mitchell and Woods" is an episode of "CHiPs"
54) How many minutes of Manos: The Hands of Fate were cut for the MST3K version? 
None! Scary, huh?
55) Some students from Worcester Polytechnic Institute created a MST3K-type show using a recruitment film. What was the name of the film? 
The MST3K-type version of Bridge to the Future is still shown on WPI's cable network.
56) Door number 2 in MST3K: The Movie is a tribute to who? 
Jef Maynard put a spit-curl there as a tribute to TV's Frank.
Section 5: "Waiter, there's brains in my soup!"
57) Who is Mike Nelson married to? 
Mike is the lucky husband of Bridget Jones
58) Which of these places did Mike Nelson work in at one time? 
He commonly refers to his old job at TGI Friday's.
59) What was the first movie Trace Beaulieu ever worked on? 
Trace's first movie credit is Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie
60) How does Mike Nelson describe "The Amazing Rando"? 
At the second ConventioCon, Mike called him "A really sexy Santa Claus".
61) How does Mike Nelson describe "Mike Nelson"? 
On the rare press kit for The Movie, Mike says, "Mike Nelson is every, wait, that's Forrest Gump."
62) Who was the first employee of Best Brains to post to a MST3K newsgroup? 
Way back before existed, Jim Mallon posted to
63) Where does Jim Mallon live? 
He resides in Minnetonka, MN.
64) Is Kevin Murphy married? 
Yes, however Tom Servo is not.
65) Who worked on Blood Hook with Jim Mallon? 
Kevin Murphy was his partner in to speak.
Section 6: MST3K ConventioCon ExpoFest-A-Rama Stuff
66) Who was seen wearing a black leotard at the first convention? 
Frank can't go out in public anymore.
67) What movie was MSTed for the live show at the first convention? 
This Island Earth Ever see it?
68) What was the name of the most exclusive convention package at the first convention? 
The cool people all wore Forrester tags.
69) What was written on the back of the programs at the second convention? 
70) What movie did Sci-Fi Channel's Barry Schulman say hooked him on MST3K? 
I'd like a tape of his the MST3K version of Queen from Outer Space he said he saw.
71) At the keynote address for the '96 convention, what song was played during the tribute to Trace? 
Just try to hold back the tears while you watch slow-motion of Trace put to "My Way".
72) At the '96 convention, who was picked for the shopping trip drawing over a dozen times? 
As if her name needs to be repeated yet again...Donna Melee. (Rumor is that she showed up and wasn't allowed to go.)
73) How many cut scenes from MST3K: The Movie were shown at the '96 convention? 
2. The "storm shelter sequence" and the original ending.
74) During the '96 convention's Doom tournament, it was announced that "Real men play..." 
Marathon That was Patrick Delahanty who said that...webmaster of this site!
75) What did most of the people who played against Mike at Doom get? 
About 30 people went away wearing "Mike Killed me @ DOOM" buttons
76) Who beat Mike at Doom at the 1996 convention? 
People chanted on the 6-year-old named Rusty! May his name live on!
77) Who moderated the celebrity Q&A at the '96 convention? 
Kevin Murphy was an excellent host.
78) During that celebrity Q&A, who explained what a "bong" was to Rex Reason? 
You know him as "The Professor", he's Russell Johnson.
Section 7: The questions I couldn't stick in other sections
79) After you repeat to yourself, "It's just a show," what should you do? 
Your should really Just relax...the questions are 80% over.
80) What channel first aired MST3K? 
The small station KTMA 23 in Minnesota has since found Jesus.
81) When MST3K first hit cable, what channel was it on? 
Comedy Central's original name was The Comedy Channel...aah, the good ol' days.
82) Where will MST3K air on February 1st? 
MST3K is obviously on The Sci-Fi Channel.
83) MST3K is filmed in... 
"Shadowrama" you couldn't guess.
84) MST3K is filmed in... 
Although the address is Hopkins and the movie was filmed in St. Paul, each handcrafted episode of MST3K is done on Golden Triangle Drive in Eden Praire, MN.
85) What company is working on a MST3K CD-ROM? 
Voyager...but if they'll ever finish it or not is another question.
86) What short will appear on the MST3K CD-ROM? 
Hopefully we will get to see Assignment: Venezuela someday. It was secretly shown to several thousand MSTies at the second con.
87) What is the URL of the first official MST3K web site? 
Although works now, the first URL was
88) How many minutes long is the "Poopie" tape? 
30 minutes of hardcore laughter.
89) How many minutes long is the "Scrapbook" tape? 
Even longer than MST3K: The Movie, the 90 scrapbook still isn't enough.
90) What is the zip code for Hopkins, MN? 
After hearing it spoken in most episodes, sung in several, and seeing it on screen twice, you probably have 55343 engraved in your brain.
91) What is the PO Box of the MST3K Info Club? 
Ever since episode 101, Best Brains has recived fan mail at good ol' PO Box 5325
92) How many tracks are on the the "Clowns in the Sky" CD? 
Covering seasons 2 through 7, there are 29 tracks.
93) Which of the following was never available through the MST3K Info Club? 
Although you could find such items such as an autographed book, a mad scientist clock, and "Spark-O - The Wacky Rolling Best Brains Action Figure"; we've never seen a MST3K planetoid sponge ball.
94) Who played "Bob Bagadonuts"? 
During KTMA's New Year's Eve melon drop, Kevin Murphy played the part.
95) What color is door number 4 in Joel's MST3K episodes? 
It's the Yellow one
96) What is door number 6 in Mike's MST3K episodes a tribute to? 
Monty Python...all hail the machine that goes PING!
97) In American dollars, what is the price of The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Amazing Colossal Episode Guide? 
Although it may sell for more or less in various places, the back cover of the first edition lists it at the low, low price of $16.95
98) According to The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Amazing Colossal Episode Guide, where (exactly) is Deep 13? 
"It is rumored that Deep 13 is located in a former Dog-N-Suds right next to the Chicago and Northern Railroad tracks in Palatine, Illinois." -page 158
99) What is the population of Circle Pines? 
4,731 -The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Amazing Colossal Episode Guide (page 161)
100) When was the Tom Servo Fan Club founded? 
1991 - This is answered in the "About The Tom Servo Fan Club" section of the web site.
Rate Yourself:
100 : Impossible. You Cheater!
90 - 99 : Joel
80 - 89 : Mike
70 - 79 : Dr. Forrester
50 - 69 : TV's Frank
25 - 49 : Kenny
0 - 25 : Torgo
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