The Tom Servo Fan Club
The Tom Servo Fan Club's Daily Reports from the Gala Costume Ball at...
Mystery Science Theater 3000 ConventioCon ExpoFest-A-Rama 2: Electric Bugaloo
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The final night of the convention ended with a bang...the Gala Costume Ball. Here are some pictures from the ball with captions. I'm not too good with names, so I didn't remember any. If you can identify anyone I couldn't in any of these pictures, please drop me a line! I apologize for the poor quality of some of these pictures...that's the last time I get film developed at CVS.

[Image of the Foot-Master]
Here's a die hard fan dressed as Joel's version of The Master from Manos: The Hands of Fate standing next to Gamera. (I don't know who stepped in front of the picture at the last minute...but thanks.)

[Image of some Con Goers]
Some MSTies in costume. I forgot their names! Arrrgh!

[Image of Ms Servo]
"Betty Servo" standing near Gamera.

[Image of the Contest]
This is just before the fans rushed the stage to watch the costume contest. Mike Nelson and his wife, Bridget Jones, are on stage.

[Image of a Fan's Crow]
Steve Troop made an almost-perfect Crow. Very impressive.

[Image of a Fans' Crow and Tom]
Gary Glover made a Tom Servo to accompany Steve Troop's Crow. Also very impressive and nearly perfect.

[Image of Shadowrama]
One of the winning costumes was the Shadowrama effect from the theater. ( flash here.) It was merely cardboard cutouts stuck to the heads of three MSTies.

[Image of Clinton and Dole]
"We both agree, we love MST" says Clinton's button.
You might be wondering why I cropped this image so funny. Well, check out the left edge. Look closely. Squint. It's Trace!

After the contest was over and before the dance, Mike Nelson called all "AOL MSTies" up on stage. (It was actually supposed to be all Internet and AOL MSTies...but we forgive you Mike.) We were all supposed to present a goodbye/thank you gift to Info Club Poobah, Julie Walker.

[Image of Internet MSTies]

juliewa accepted the gifts and scurried backstage. I followed and got these pictures of her reaction as she opened one of her gifts. Chocolate in the shape of a badge which read "Julie Walker Texas Ranger". She also got a quilt from Internet MSTies.

[Image of juliewa] [Image of juliewa1]

[Image of juliewas]
A gaggle of female MSTies decided to go to the costume ball as juliewa. Luckily, a trained professional (like myself) can pick out the real Julie. She''! She's wearing the red "I'm so ultra cool 'cause I work for Best Brains...I REALLY am somebody" ID tag. you think Julie likes denim shirts?

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Copyright © 1996-1997, The Tom Servo Fan Club
Special thanks to Steve Troop for helping to identify MSTies in the above pictures.
All images (other than the one at the top of this page) are copyright ©1996 by Patrick Delahanty and may not be used without written permission. (I took them myself. If I catch you using them, I'll be pissed.