Sims, Burning Gundam, and the convention experience

I installed The Sims Online. I played it last night after work for a couple hours. Addicting. Got to make out with a couple girls — who were probably really fat, sweaty, 43 year-old men…but it’s best not to think about that. As far as I know, she really could have been a gorgeous blonde wearing that showgirl outfit.
Updated the look of The Chibi Project in case you hadn’t noticed. I’ll be using a similar site design on the other sites soon. …after I decide what I want to do with a couple of them. I may kill off some stuff and I may spin-off other stuff. Still thinking about that. We’ll see.
I sent in my pre-registration for Port Con Maine 2003. I like small cons. They’re more relaxing and give me a good chance to catch up with friends. Big cons are good too since there’s so much to do and so many people go. I guess that’s why I like going to both kinds…and why I try not to expect much from small cons.
As usual, Anime Boston’s sucking up a whole mess of my time. I was up late working on some new stuff for the store, but I’m still not done with it. So much to do. It would help if I had some people to fill out the other staff positions in my division. Anyone want to be Press Liaison or in charge of Ad Sales & Sponsorships?