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Lego Maniacs' Guide: Reviews: Technic : Technic Starter Set

[Purchase Lego at Amazon.com] 8022 - Technic Starter Set

Rating: 3 Stars
Pros: It is an awesome little set that has pieces for four different models. The robot is just plain great.
Cons: None noted
Contents: 117 pieces
Price: Discontinued
Reviewed: 19-Sep-1998
Reviewed by: G. M.

Bigger means better. Untrue. This is one of the smallest Universal Technic sets, but it is one of the most fun I have come across. 117 pieces are included, most of which are white. Four models can be built from the pieces included, but not all at the same time.

The first is a small propellor driven airplane. The main function of the plane is that when rolled, the propellor spins. Not too complicated but very pleasing. The front part is built up with axels and gears, but the rest of the body is just for show and has no function.

The second model is a little more complicated. It is a tow truck. It's main feature is the crank mounted on the side that adjusts the truck's tow hook when turned. A medium pulley on the roof steers it.

The third model has to be the best of the kit. It is funny looking tri-wheeled robot with the most functionability and playability of all four models. When the robot is rolled across a surface, a train-like piston goes into action and does the following: first, it pushes on the arms of the robot, making them move up and down. The arms then move a crown gear located int he neck of the robot. The crown turns the head back and forth, but not completely around. I have yet to see this genious network of gears anywhere else. The model is also steerable.

The last model is a simple race car with no working features except for the rack and pinion steering. The instructions also show how to motorize it.

Overall, I am pretty pleased with this kit, especially the robot. If you find it anywhere, don't hesitate to pick it up.

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