Lego Maniacs' Guide: Reviews: Town : Mail Carrier
6420 - Mail Carrier
Pros: The yellow bike, the letters, the pouch, just about everything
Cons: None noted.
Contents: 11 pieces including 1 mini-fig
Price: $2.50 through Shop at Home exclusively
Reviewed: 29-Jun-1998
Reviewed by: G. M.
The Tour de France had always been on Sam's list of to do's. Now, the simple mailman got his chance. He was one of the few selected to be on his country's team. He was incredibly happy, so to practice, instead of driving around in his truck all day, he bought a new bicycle to deliver people's mail.
He was finally getting his big break until one day. Sam was on his usual route when he was going through his mail sack and saw a letter addressed to him. He thought, "Why bother opening it at home?" So he opened it right then and there on his bike only to discover a blank black piece of paper and a strange metal instrument that promptly exploded in his face...
I just received this set in the mail today and it is just how I thought it would be by looking at catalog pictures. It includes a mail man on a yellow bicycle (Whooppee!) and a yellow mailbox. Also included is a black pouch (Double Whooppee!) and two white 1x2 tiles that are painted to look like letters complete with red stamps.
There isn't a whole lot I can say about this set because it's only eleven pieces but I'll try to do the best I can. The bike is just plain yellow with a 1x1 clear round plate for a reflector. On the back of the bike is where the black pouch hooks on. The pouch is the same as the ones used in early-mid 1980s castle sets. The mailbox is a 2x2x2 box with a bugle and envelope painted on.
The mailman has a red suit with a pocket and the same bugle logo as the mailbox. He also has a red cap. The face of the mail man is new. By looking at the catalogs I assumed it was an Ice Planet 2002 face but he has no eyebrows, and the hair is fluffier than the Ice Planeteers. It kind of looks freakish.
The set is very much worth picking up. I even got two just for the new/special elements, especially the bike. There are no alternate models on the wee little box, probably because it only has one regular brick: a black 2x2x1 used to prop up the mailbox.
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