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Lego Maniacs' Guide: Reviews: Technic : Cyber Slam : Robot's Revenge

[Purchase Lego at Amazon.com] 8245 - Robot's Revenge

Rating: 4 Stars
Pros: There's too many, the set is (almost) perfect
Cons: It looks more like it should be $20. Even though it's 120 pieces, most Technic parts are tiny.
Contents: 120 with 1 awesome figure
Price: $29.99
Reviewed: 17-May-1998
Reviewed by: Josh Opotzner


This set is the bomb! I just went to Toys R Us and they had the Cyber Slam along with new Bungie Blasters! Check it out!
The Robot's Revenge is a $30 set, the cheapest they had. I was $10 short for that bigger $50 one but I should be reviewing that soon....
Anyway, the set comes with two models and instructions for four. I can comment on both main and alternate models. First, the main mode is a good guy vehicle. The Technic figure is awesome. His left side has black arms and legs, while the right has gray. (The right gray arm is a Terminator arm.) He has a tirqoise torso and helmet with solid black visor. He doesn't have a smile, he has strait mouth with a curve at the end and in eyes. He is my favorite Lego figure.
The three-wheeled vehicle is a dream, I couldn't like it better. It has a weapon that fires on it: a bunch of technic parts scrunched up with a rubber ball at the end. Turn a wheel and it extracts like an acordian. With this you can hit the target and wreck havoc on Hydronaut HQ! (I love it with my Aquazone.) The figure sits in the space under one of those new technic bendable tubes in tirquise. He stays in place by holding a control stick.
The color scheme is tirqoise, black, and a dash of yellow. The bad guy vehicle is our friends target. It's a purple scorpion (I've never had a purple piece before.) It has a target on its head. Roll back the scorpion to tighten the bungee, and there's a stopper connected to the gear on the wheel from the head. Hit the target and the head bops backward, letting go of the gear stop. When you hit the head, theres a new pair of eyes revealed and they are like pupils in a scrambled TV (meaning "Now I'm REALLY mad! You're dead!") If he hits you, his huge claws will close on you and your trapped!

The set is really fun by itself. You can go around the house hitting stuff with the huge weapon mounted on the vehicle, and, well, you won't believe it, but it's really tricky to dodge the scorpion after you've hit it!
The alternate models do the same function except the good guy vehicle is a space fighter and the bad guy is really tall. Buy the biggest Cyber Slam set you can. I know they all have to be really cool. But if the smallest is the biggest you can buy, don't dispair. It's an awesome set.

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