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Lego Maniacs' Guide: Reviews: Castle : Fright Knights : Bat Lord's Catapult

[Purchase Lego at Amazon.com] 6027 - Bat Lord's Catapult

Rating: 2 Stars
Pros: More bat lord knights without having to buy a larger set
Cons: I would have loved a couple more weapons or even one more knight.
Contents: 51 pieces including 2 mini-figs and 1 black horse
Price: $5.99 - Discontinued
Reviewed: 03-Mar-1997
Reviewed by: Joseph Gonzalez

6027 A summons has come from the land of the dark forest. An ancient family debt is to be paid and so two figures have started out on a journey that takes them through hidden paths and ancient roads of the dark country Egercix.
Most travelers wisely avoid any confrontation with the two that seem to travel under a strange shadow, but tonight the frequenters of the Long Bow Tavern have had a little more ale than normal and thus is wisdom drowned.
Some poor fool took Morlag's silence for cowardice and a mighty brawl has broken out with tables smashing and jawbones breaking.
Outside the tavern, Braunsen has been preparing the horse to continue traveling, but thunderous crashes and shouts from within the tavern alert him to the fact that Worlag has been challenged. With a deep sigh of resignation, he grabs a short sword from the cart and heads toward the noisy tavern, aware that any disturbance on their part could alert the king to their presence in the kingdom (a definite deterrent to the Baron's plans). But thinking better of it, he scabbards the short sword and grabs the long sword before heading to the inn. This night, few if any will return from a night of drinking at the Long Bow Tavern.

I'm having a difficult time deciding just what this set wants to be. Is it supposed to be a catapult for attacking small houses and haggis stands? A wagon for carrying goods (or in this case bads)? Or is it just a couple of mean-looking dudes looking for trouble? You'll have to decide for yourself, as for me, I found it somewhat pricey but still a great way to flesh out my bat lord troops.
The set comes with two knights, a horse, a wagon and some few accessories to make it not quite a piece nor a people pack. Three weapons included with the set are a spear, one standard sword and one long sword. You'll also find one teardrop shield with the bat lord insignia and a bat adornment thrown in for good measure.
If the fire elements would have been the green transparent kind found in diver sets this year, instead of the usual orange ones, they would have made for some awfully cool "wizard blaze" elements and upped the cool quotient that much more. As it is, the set will make a great addition for your dark armies, but wait for it to go on sale so you can afford to pick up two or three.

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