Lego Maniacs' Guide: Reviews: Adventurers : Dinosaurs : Research Glider
5921 - Research Glider
Pros: Nice selection of brown and green pieces; mini-fig head; dinosaur; other pieces are interesting
Cons: Over-simplified and boring glider (can't decide if it's a glider or plane); mini-fig body; inhumane dinosaur catching device; too expensive
Contents: 56 pieces including 1 mini-fig and a flying dinosaur of some sort
Price: $6.99
Reviewed: 12-Dec-2000
Reviewed by: Dustin Verburg
The glider looked flimsy, he decided as he got out of his lean-to. He looked like a dead rat and smelled even worse. He hoped his uncle was right and this job would pay off. He grabbed his chain-on-a-stick and sat down in the glider.
He swallowed hard as the wooden contraption lurched over the cliff. Fortunately, the sail caught wind and kept the thing upright. He drifted downward and sailed in the skies before he sighted what was ultimately his: a pterodactyl's nest, with eggs in it.
He would be rich! Finally! He steaded his glider, and leapt into the nest. He picked up an egg and placed it in his pocket. He heard a screeching up above him... His chain-on-a-stick would do him no good, now.
It's amazing what a girlfriend can encourage someone to buy. I was originally going to buy a small studio set with a stuntman and a bag set with a Knight's Kingdom mini-fig and crossbows. Unfortunately, she told me this one would be cooler. I emphasize "unfortunately".
This set consists of two pieces: a pterodactyl nest and a glider. Let's start with the glider. It stinks. All it is is a sail, propeller(why?), and a windshield that doesn't even reach the mini-fig's eye level. It does have some cool pieces, though... including a white lance.
Sadly, the dinosaur nest is much cooler. An assortment of green, brown, and grey pieces make this actually look like a rocky cliffside. The pterodactyl can land on top and sort of balance. Oak tree branches are also provided.
The dinosaur itself is pretty nice looking. I like the color and the size and the rather cute appearance. No reason to buy the set, though. The mini-fig has a really cool face and would have a cool torso, except for one factor: there's a slingshot tucked into his belt. The guy looks older than 12, but maybe that's not a requirement for being a dinosaur hunter. He also posseses a brown civil war cap.
Okay. The chain-on-a-stick. Grrrr. It's just a plain inhumane device to catch any animal, especially a majestic prehistoric pterodactly. It consists of a black stick and a chain. Grrr. A six-shooter would be more humane...
Overall, this model stinks. Even though I could build a fair boat out of it, and I like some of the pieces, $6.99 is way too much for any pile of waste like this. I'm not impressed with Dinosaur Island, thus far. Two stars.
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