Lego Maniacs' Guide: Reviews: Castle : Dragon Masters : Crossbow Cart
1712 - Crossbow Cart
Pros: Variety of weapons; cheap price
Cons: Only one mini-fig
Contents: 22 pieces including one mini-fig
Price: $1.99
Reviewed: 1-Jul-2000
Reviewed by: Brandon Eckhardt
A lone soldier walks onto the battle field. Hundreds of troops follow close behind him. For Jean-Luc de Oros, this is his fourth battle. He knows with his weapons cart, he is well protected and can put up a good fight. But little does he know, this is his last battle, for a spy had sabotaged his cart and the spy is right next to him...waiting for the right time.
This was a neat little set with a good assortment of weapons. The cart is made out of a flat 2x6 with a 2x1 flat with handles at one end, 2 round flat 1x1, an axle, two clips to hold a sword and spear, another 2x6 flat piece, and three clasps to hold the crossbows and shield. That was it. The figurine has a black pointed hat (in the shape of a bullet), red shirt (or is it armor?) with the Dragon Masters emblem on it, and grey pants.
I didn't like having just one fig because I like to disperse the weapons to the rest of my ragtag forces. This was a cheap set and easy to pick up for 2 bucks. It is getting hard to find though.
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