Lego Maniacs' Guide: Reviews: Town : Res Q : Aerial Recovery
6462 - Aerial Recovery
Pros: Very impressive helicopter; the assortment of vehicles and figs make this a great standalone set
Cons: No doors on the loading bay
Contents: 201 pieces including 3 mini-figs
Price: $24.99
Reviewed: 20-Mar-1998
Reviewed by: Joseph Gonzalez
Emergency calls have gone out since the research team of Reynolds and Walker disappeared in Lautrec canyon. While the rescue helicopter St. Jude has spotted two injured individuals of the party, the canyon is simply too narrow and deep to land and assist the victims.
Jumping atop his trusty all-terrain cycle, Emil Sands grabs a large medikit, blankets and rations, and begins wending his way up the trails toward the indicated spot. It will be dark by the time he reaches the researchers, but Emil can begin administering first-aid and perhaps move them further up the canyon to a more accessible spot for the recovery copter's cable and stretcher.
Here's another model that, upon first glance, I knew I needed to add to my collection. Though I'm not an avid town collector, the few cool building and vehicle sets I see rarely let me down.
The Aerial Recovery set is a great combination of helicopter, tri-wheel cycle and dinghy with three rescue specialists to man each vehicle. The dinghy and cycle are very basic elements of only one or two pieces but this is my first cycle and I really like it. The fork snaps into the main body which allows the front wheel to be turned left or right and there are more than a few studs adorning the bike for add-on features; also, there is a hitching nook at the rear of the cycle for towing needs.
The helicopter is the central attraction and while I would have initially liked to compare this set to the 6545 Search n' Rescue set (that had twenty more pieces at a retail price of two dollars less), the helicopters can only be compared in relative design because the Aerial copter is practically monstrous in comparison (approximately 36 studs long and 14 studs wide). The aerodynamic design is very cool in colors black and yellow with a two-man forward cockpit and an open loading bay that leads to the upper canopy. An excellent feature I would like to have seen (and haven't noticed on any other copters) would be some sliding doors to enclose the bay.
The copter has nice additions of a winch and grappling hook with an accompanying cargo net (some model pictures show the cycle being hauled in the net) and two utility cabinets on each side of the fuselage for holding rescue equipment.
The three mini-figs that make up the team are two in similar white rescue suits and a fig in a wet suit with diving gear. Some of the fun accessories include a stretcher with wheels (fits inside the cargo bay nicely), pick, transport pulley, binoculars, and a spear gun.
No particularly unique parts except some of the new accessories, the tri-wheel cycle, and some rubbery tubes that attach to each end of the stretcher to allow it to be hauled up with the winch. Stickers are included with the set to adorn the tail and utility cabinets.
Overall I think the set is going to appeal to a lot of townies (especially those that collect aircraft). With the combination of three mini-figs and three vehicles, this is a set that could be enjoyed all by itself.
33 readers have rated this set as 4.34 out of 5 stars.
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