Lego Maniacs' Guide: Reviews: Town : Launch Command : Launch Response Unit
6336 - Launch Response Unit
Pros: None noted
Cons: None noted
Contents: 177 pieces
Price: Discontinued
Reviewed: 29-Mar-1996
Reviewed by: Dan Piergallini
As the shuttle takes off, a dark grey smoke fills the air. Oh no! The shuttle's engines have created a blazing inferno out of the launch pad! What's going to happen? Will it burn up? Will it burst into flames? It's a good thing that the Launch Command Launch Response Unit was there with its helicopter and camera.
The Launch Response Unit is very cool. It has two mini-figs, a helicopter with a video camera mounted on the side, and an eight wheeled semi-truck with a landing pad on the back. The trailer also has a radar to track shuttles and a computer mounted on the back. Why would anybody mount a computer on the back of a semi-truck? Beats me, it's just cool. The front has a sunroof and a pretty slick design.
10 readers have rated this set as 3.65 out of 5 stars.
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