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Lego Maniacs' Guide: Reviews: Space : Exploriens : Scorpion Detector

[Purchase Lego at Amazon.com] 6938/1737 - Scorpion Detector

Rating: 4 Stars
Pros: Nice pieces; inclusion of a storage bay
Cons: Cockpit isn't entirely enclosed
Contents: 196 pieces including 2 mini-figs
Price: Discontinued
Reviewed: 6-Aug-1998
Reviewed by: G. M.

Futuron Forces had been dwindling for years now. At any moment the colony could collapse leaving a bunch of rebels in its wake. Fortunately, a new colony was trying to get started inside of the rough structure of the Futuron clan. A group of young scientists set out one day to start a better Galactic System. Their name? The Exploriens.
They vowed to be peaceful and never fight unless they had to defend themselves. So, in case of attack, they developed a highly armored and armed super tank called the Scorpion.

I had always wanted a big ground vehicle for Space. When I first became interested in Lego, the Space Police Solar Snooper was just tapering out of existence and I didn't get a chance to pick up a large rover until 1996 with the Exploriens.

The Scorpion Detector is a nice large tank-like vehicle with multiple features. It is actually two sections: the cockpit and a trailer. I'll start with the cockpit. It is a medium sized 4-wheeled vehicle that can separate from the trailer, or vice versa. Inside, the driver controls with a 2x2x1 sloped computer brick. A long slender translucent blue canopy piece covers the cockpit (but not completely). A new-for-1996 cockpit piece also found on the Explorien Starship is attached to fill up some space. Two arms extend from the central cockpit. One has a magnet and the other has two 4x4 radar dishes (one translucent red, and the other translucent blue). These dishes can "decode" the two weird 2x2 tiles that come with the set.
The trailer is a nice big sturdy construction with a control booth, laser cannon, and a small storage hatch. The hatch is located up front and is nothing more than a 2x1x3 window piece that covers a shallow indentation in the surface. Even though it can only hold two 2x2 tiles, it was a nice thought. The control booth can rotate and is located next to the cannon. The operator controls with a 2x2 round star-map tile and a control stick. The cannon he controls is made of two 4x2x4 translucent -blue half-cylinders. It looks like it could blow a nice-sized hole in a Mega Core Magnetizer.

This is a very nice set to have and there are plenty of pieces that make it worthwhile. Alternate models on the back of the box show a medium-sized air vehicle and even a small base. There are also some rare or one-of-a-kind pieces. A 4x4 white turntable included is a first for me as is the 2x1x3 window.
This set is very good to have if your Explorien team needs defense or has to demolish a very ugly outpost that rhymes with Snebula. There were two versions of this set. The 1737 limited edition in the box with the display window has slightly different arms than 6938.

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