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Lego Maniacs' Guide: Reviews: Space : Blacktron - Future Generation : Super Nova 2

[Purchase Lego at Amazon.com] 6832 - Super Nova 2

Rating: 2 Stars
Pros: Similar to the Invader; a good selection of pieces
Cons: Rocket and cockpit are far too large; wings are too small
Contents: 40 pieces including 1 mini-fig
Price: Discontinued
Reviewed: 26-Jul-1998
Reviewed by: G. M.

6832 Mizora had finally turned 16! Her birthday present? A sleek new black and white VMW 2142 Gravity Ranger!
This was probably her best birthday present ever and it was all hers in which to cruise the atmospheric highways all night. When she reached proper altitudes and was situated inside the laser-light barriers, she took off.
Flying at 140 km/h, she only barely noticed the flashing green letter "B" on the controls, but when a fleet of Blacktron vehicles pulled in behind her, lasers charging, she panicked. She was riding in a hot Blacktron vehicle...

From my previous experiences with Blacktron II vehicles, I am a little disappointed with this one. It's not that I don't like it but the other sets in my collection are just plain better than this one.

The thing is a one-person space craft with a design similar to a shrunken Blacktron I Invader. It has two pairs of adjustable wings in the back so the pilot can decide how he wants to fly it. Another feature of the rear of the craft is a payload/rocket assembly. It is made of a 2x2x2 computer box with a huge rocket engine attached to the back. This gives the impression of speediness but it also looks a little too powerful for the craft. (A 1x1x1 finned engine would be much better than the 2x2x2 engine here.) The cockpit has a translucent green curved wall piece for a canopy. The pilot controls it with a 1x2 M:Tron/Blacktron II computer tile. Two laser beams adorn the front of the ship.

A weird piece included (that I have only seen in the Cosmic Creeper and a bunch of Castle sets) is made of a 2x2 and a 1x2 plate connected by a bent handlebar type thing. This keeps the pilot from falling out of the otherwise unprotected cockpit.

The pilot is the same as all other Blacktron II astronauts and has a small handheld weapon of some sort. There are plenty of hinged bricks and plates for some decent alternate constructions but the overall model is pretty bad. Don't get it unless you're a completist or REALLY fond of Blacktron II.

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