Lego Maniacs' Guide: Reviews: Aquazone : Aquanauts : Crystal Explorer Sub
6175 - Crystal Explorer Sub
Pros: Very cool design. Comes with crystals and a working compass. Lots of transparent blue and orange elements.
Cons: The working compass doesn't work very well. A fully-suited Aquanaut cannot fit in the rear compartment.
Contents: 160 pieces
Price: $33.00 - Discontinued
Reviewed: 08-Aug-1997
Reviewed by: Tim Courtney
The fearless Aquanaut piloted his sub through the deep, dark water. This was no ordinary sub at his command this time, it was the state-of-the-art Crystal Explorer Sub. He flipped on the crystal detector and preformed a few sweeps. Finally, he hit something. The sub dove deeper to bring in the catch, when suddenly, a large object swept past, inches from the observation dome. It was the Aquasharks, they had detected the same crystal patch. Now it was a race to the oxygen rich Hydrolators. Who will win?
This sub has it all. It comes equipped with two grabber arms, one for gathering crystals, and the other for moving the crystal storage boxes. There is a cargo bay behind the cockpit to store crystal boxes. Three screws propell the sub through the deep water. There is also a second cabin in the rear, but a fully-suited Aquanaut cannot fit in it. On top a compass helps the Aquanauts navigate the deep. Over the cargo bay is an area where a mini-fig can sit and work at a computer (I would assume this is to operate the arms). Both mini-figs are equipped with knives, flippers, and harpoons. The set also comes with seaweed, two Hydrolator crystals, and an octopus.
40 readers have rated this set as 4.15 out of 5 stars.
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