Lego Maniacs' Guide: Reviews: Aquazone : Aquanauts : Sea Sprint 9
6125 - Sea Sprint 9
Pros: Grabber arm, harpoons.
Cons: No crystal to go with the grabber arm. Cockpit not fully enclosed.
Contents: 28 pieces
Price: $4.50 - Discontinued
Reviewed: 08-Aug-1997
Reviewed by: Tim Courtney
The Sea Sprint 9 zips through the dark, relying only on sonar. The pilot scans the area for Aquasharks, then activates the grabber arm. When all is safe, he dives to gather the crystal. Then, the sub turns around and climbs, returning to the Neptune Lab. All of a sudden, two Shark Scouts come out of nowhere! One Aquashark makes a pass at the crystal in the grabber arm, he misses and falls off of the sub. He quickly grabs his flippers, puts them on, and grabs onto the claw of the Sea Sprint. As he attempts to pry the claw apart, the arm starts jerking violently, shaking the Aquashark off of the arm. The Sea Sprint makes a dash for the Lab, but there is still another Shark Scout out there....
The Sea Sprint 9 is a very small, but mostly enclosed submarine. A grabber arm aids it in the collection of crystals, and a propeller can push it to safety from Aquasharks. Flippers on the pods help manuver it in close situations. I put the harpoons on the front of the pods, so it has some way of defense. This sub is a very effective scout and small crystal grabber, which is why the Aquanauts build so many of them. I almost forgot to mention the Aquanaut mini-fig, who comes complete with knives and can use the flippers from the sub.
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