Lego Maniacs' Guide: Reviews: Space : Blacktron - Future Generation : Unnamed
1479 - Unnamed
Pros: Two mini-figs; white boosters and wings
Cons: Looks like a flying box
Contents: 35 pieces including 2 mini-figs
Price: Discontinued
Reviewed: 29-Jun-1998
Reviewed by: G. M.
The hostile environment of the desert world of Omega Capa was the last place there was expected to be any life. However, during a routine inspection, Space Police Lieutenant Londar Zyk was surprised by what appeared to be a small air base of some sort on his radar screen. He flew down through the rough atmosphere into a raging sand storm. His scanners had not detected this particular storm so his engines were choked. After a few brief minutes of struggling to stay aloft, his small scout ship finally crashed.
Hours passed before the storm ended and he was able to crawl out of the wreckage. When he got his bearings, he examined the ship only to find that repairing it was beyond hope and that his signal radio had been smashed to bits. He was all alone on a dusty world with no rations, or so he thought...
Suddenly, a small black and white craft swept out of nowhere, lasers blaring. Londar didn't even have time to yell.
This small value pack set was my first Blacktron set. I got it when I was seven years old and the sub-theme had just been released. Since it was a spaceship, I immediately thought that it was the best thing in the world. I now think differently of it. The thing looks like a flying shoe box and has no normal bricks. The only good things about it are the two horizontal monorail track supports used as wings and the fact that it comes with two Blacktron II mini-figs.
The overall design of the ship stinks. It is made of only an octagonal black plate, three white rocket boosters, and a 2x4x2 brick with studs on three sides. The two figs that are included fall off very easily and only have one control stick each to maneuver with, there isn't even a windscreen for them. On the sides are two trans yellow-green antennae that look like lasers. The back has the brick with studs on three sides. Two of the studded faces are used to hold the wings. The other has a small black fin. Attatched to each wing is a 2x2 trans green disc used as a booster.
Since this set came in a value pack, there were no alternate models pictured but I doubt that any good ones could be made because of the poor selection of pieces. If you see this set in an auction don't bother trying to get it unless you want the two Blacktron II figs, white boosters, and wing pieces.
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