Lego Maniacs' Guide: Reviews: Pirates : Imperial Armada : Armada Sentry
6244 - Armada Sentry
Pros: A few useful green elements
Cons: Paying eight bucks for a set this size is a bit steep. I'd buy more if they cost two or three dollars less.
Contents: 70 pieces including 1 mini-fig
Price: About $7.99 - Discontinued
Reviewed: 17-Jul-1997
Reviewed by: Joseph Gonzalez
Vengeance Turns (prologue)
Murcielago bay is particularly beautiful this time of year. Early morning sunlight plays off the ocean waves as a slightly dozing Gustavo Perez raises his eyelids just enough to wave to the sailors on the passing Anna Victoria and he is almost immediately back into his early-morning reverie when two rounds of cannon fire break the silence. A thundering ball of iron pounds into the boarding deck leading from Gustavo's guard shack to the main dock. The explosion sends bits of boards and beams everywhere. Ducking for cover, Gustavo looks to see where the other round could have possibly landed only to notice the rear mast of the passing ship Anna Victoria collapse and fall into the sea!
6244 is a small sentry booth set on a short wharf platform. While the set is minimal in size, a few green pieces (showing themselves only slightly in 1996 and more prominently in 1997) make it worth the purchase especially if you're a buyer of small sets in large quantities.
Obviously unique pieces are the green doors (I don't know if these appear in any other set to date) plus there are four 1x4 round bricks and a few small plates (for the rowboat) in green. Other useful pieces include two 1x5 wall sections and a 1x4x2 gate element in white.
The set earns three stars for a solid (if not simple) structure with some useful elements.
Picking up three or four of these small sets will not only open up building possibilities using elements in green and white but it will also build up your Spanish troops by one soldier (hey, every little bit helps).
31 readers have rated this set as 3.53 out of 5 stars.
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